Your podcast belongs on youtube

Unlock the hidden potential of your podcast on YouTube and tap into an audience of over 122 million daily users.

It's time to make your valuable content readily available to those searching for it. And the best part? You don't need to be on camera, invest in new equipment, or become a "YouTuber" to achieve success.The Four Factors of Explosive Growth on YouTubeThumbnails, titles, descriptions, and content.That's it, it's that's simple. These are the key elements that will propel your podcast to new heights on YouTube. Nail these down, and you'll expose your show to an entirely new audience, opening up endless possibilities.My StoryIn 2019, against the advice of many, I took a leap and uploaded my audio-only podcast onto YouTube. Critics claimed it was a mistake, an abuse of the platform, and a violation of YouTube's terms of service. But let me set the record straight: none of it was true.Here's the truth: YouTube considers audio-only content with a static image a video in its own right and these videos are 100% monetizable. By leveraging this opportunity, I exposed my show to millions of potential fans and even began earning money from my content. And guess what? I've never uploaded an actual video to YouTube—just audio with a static image.Don't Take My Word for ItThe numbers speak for themselves: I was able to grow my audio-only static image channel to over 2 million views, 100,000+ monthly views, and a subscriber base of 18,000 19,000+. The possibilities are endless when you leverage the power of YouTube for your podcast, even with audio-only content.YouTube Isn't the Ultimate Solution, But It's a Game-ChangerPlacing your podcast on YouTube isn't a guaranteed path to success, and not all genres perform equally well on a video-first platform. However, it's all about maximizing your show's discoverability. Why not unlock that potential with YouTube?How I Can Help You SucceedIf your podcast is already on YouTube, I offer a comprehensive audit to identify areas of improvement and create a customized growth plan. We'll then schedule a Zoom call to go over the strategy, ensuring maximum discoverability for your content.If you're new to YouTube, we can brainstorm and craft a winning strategy together. Share your show's focus, your goals for YouTube, and your ideal audience, and I'll guide you in launching an optimized channel that stands out from the crowd.Ready to Unleash Your Content?Book a call today, and let's unleash your podcast to millions of YouTube users hungry for valuable content. It's time to take your podcast to new heights and make a lasting impact on this thriving platform.Remember, the world is waiting to discover your podcast. Schedule a consultation below and let's make it happen.